2016 Album of the Year Submissions


The International Polka Association’s Hall of Fame Committee would like to share the

“Album of the Year” candidates for 2016.

The “Album of the Year” award will be presented at the 49th Annual IPA Festival and Convention in Buffalo, NY.

Listed below are musical clips from the albums

submitted by polka artists vying for the

IPA 2016 Polish Style Album of the Year.  


IPA 2016 International Style Album of the Year

NOTE:  The song titles stating “NOMINATED SONG” indicate those tracks submitted by the artists for:

I.P.A. 2016 Song of the Year  (International or Polish) 



Click on the links below to listen . . .

 IPA_Logo   International Style

IPA_Logo   Polish Style


Please Note:  The Albums submitted were from the artists or recording companies and the IPA is not responsible for any errors or omissions.

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