Joe Jozwiak Special Achievement Award
Many years ago, the late Joseph Jozwiak, a director of the IPA, made a suggestion that an award be bestowed upon an individual or group of individuals who have made a significant contribution or endeavor to enhance the promotion of polka music. After much discussion, the International Polka Association (IPA) voted to honor those worthy individuals with the establishment of the Special Achievement Award. To pay tribute to Joe Jozwiak, following his passing, this award was renamed the Joe Jozwiak Special Achievement Award.
Members of the IPA are invited to send in their nominations to recognize polka personalities who might not otherwise be acknowledged for their dauntless contributions. Nominees can include DJs, polka writers, promoters, ballroom operators, etc. Bands and musicians are excluded.
To submit a nomination, complete the form below, include a short biography of the nominees’ accomplishments that qualify him or her for this award. Nominations MUST be received NO LATER THAN DECEMBER 31st. The IPA Board of Directors and Officers will then determine a winner.
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