This notice officially proposes changes to IPA By-Laws that have already been reviewed by the IPA Executive Board. Per procedure, they are being published in this newsletter for consideration by our general membership. From May 1, 2024, to June 20, 2024, our general membership will vote on whether to approve these changes. Members may use one of the following voting methods:
1.) Calling in their “yes” or “no” vote to the IPA – 800-867-6552, leave a message providing their name, membership number and their yes or no vote;
2.) Emailing their vote to:, providing their name, membership number and their yes or no vote; or
3.) Completing and mailing the attached voting form to IPA, PO Box 1484, Plainfield, IL 60585
We also want to make sure that only IPA Members will be allowed to vote on this proposal.
All amendments so presented must be approved by 2/3rds of the voting membership to be implemented.
Christy Krawisz
I.P.A. President
Vote By Email
Vote By Ballot
Concerning the issue of Officers and Administration (Constitution), Article IV of the by-laws currently state:
Officers and Administration
Section 1. The administrative affairs and management of this association shall be vested in the executive board.
Section 2. The executive board shall include a president, two vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary, sergeant-at-arms and twelve directors. It is mandatory that the president, one vice president, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary and six directors be elected from the immediate area where the main IPA executive office is located. No more than two members of a family residing in the same household shall hold office in the IPA at the same time. Six directors from outside where the charter state is located may be elected as at-large directors, but no more than two of the at-large directors may be from any one state. Section 3. The above-named officers shall be elected by secret ballot at such time and place as the by-laws provide.”
The proposed amendment would change Article IV to read as follows:
Section 1. The Executive Board shall be vested with full authority and responsibility for the executive and business administration of all Association affairs.
Section 2. The executive board shall include a president, two vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary, sergeant-at-arms and twelve directors. No more than two members of a family residing in the same household shall hold office in the IPA at the same time.
Section 3. The above-named officers shall be elected by secret ballot at such time and place as the by-laws provide.”
Note that the proposed changes would remove the following language:
“The administrative affairs and management of this association shall be vested in the executive board” and replace it with “The Executive Board shall be vested with full authority and responsibility for the executive and business administration of all Association affairs.”
“It is mandatory that the president, one vice president, secretary, treasurer, financial secretary and six directors be elected from the immediate area where the main IPA executive office is located. from outside where the charter state is located. Six directors may be elected as at-large directors, but no more than two of the at-large directors may be from any one state.”
On the issue of Meetings (By-Laws), Article VIII currently states:
Section 1. The annual meeting of this association shall be held each August and should coincide with the annual festival at a time and location determined by the executive board. Section 1B. In addition to the general monthly meeting, the local executive board (of the state of incorporation – Illinois) shall meet at least once a month at the office of this association. Section 1C. The entire executive board shall meet at least once a year to discuss the administrative affairs and management of this association. Section 1D. Quorum will consist of 50% of the elected officers and directors, plus one.
Section 2. In an emergency, special meeting shall be called by the president. The purpose for which the meeting is called must accompany the request, and all members must be notified by mail not less than ten (10) days prior to such special meetings.
Section 3. The president shall have the authority to submit questions by mail to members of the executive board. A majority of votes received within ten (10) days shall decide the question. The vote shall be recorded in the executive board minutes and shall have the same effect as if taken at a meeting.
The proposed amendment would change Article VIII to read as follows:
Section 1. An annual meeting of this association shall be held and should coincide with the annual festival at a time and location determined by the executive board.
Section 1B. In addition to the general monthly meeting, the executive board shall meet at least once a month at the office of this association.
Section 1C. Quorum will consist of 50% of the elected officers and directors, plus one. Section 2. In an emergency, special meeting shall be called by the president. The purpose for which the meeting is called must accompany the request, and all members must be notified by mail not less than ten (10) days prior to such special meetings.
Section 3. The president shall have the authority to submit questions by mail to members of the executive board. A majority of votes received within ten (10) days shall decide the question. The vote shall be recorded in the executive board minutes and shall have the same effect as if taken at a meeting.
Note that the proposed changes would remove the following language:
“The annual meeting of this association shall be held each August and should coincide with the annual festival at a time and location determined by the executive board.” Replaced with “An annual meeting of this association shall be held and should coincide with the annual festival at a time and location determined by the executive board.”
“(of the state of incorporation – Illinois)”
“The entire executive board shall meet at least once a year to discuss the administrative affairs and management of this association.”
On the issue of Election of Officers (By-Laws), Article X currently states:
Election of Officers
Section 1. The election of officers of the International Polka Association shall be by secret ballot at the annual convention meeting in August of each year according to established tradition and custom. Nomination of candidates for office shall be made from the floor. A nominee, to be eligible as a candidate for election, must be a general member of this association in good standing for a period of at least one year immediately prior to Election Day. All nominees seeking election to office in this association shall not occupy any appointed or elected office in any other polka association. No nomination shall be valid unless agreed to by the nominee, either orally or in writing at the time of his/her nomination.
Section 2. The term of office for the President of this association shall be for one year. Section 2B. To initiate the stagger system of elections the following officers and directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years commencing with the 1971 election: 1st Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Directors (3) Illinois (State of Incorporation), Directors (3) other. All other officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years commencing with the 1972 election, namely; 2nd Vice President, Financial Secretary, Directors (3) Illinois (State of Incorporation), and Directors (3) other.
Section 2C. Anyone seeking the office of the President or 1st Vice President of this association must have served at least two or more years on the executive board of this association but not less than two years.
Section 3. The officers who have been elected shall assume office on September 1st of the year elected. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie vote for any office, there shall be another ballot taken which will be limited to voting for only those candidates involved in the tie vote.
Section 4. When only one candidate is nominated for office, a voice vote may be taken. Section 5. Every member has an equal vote to vote on every issue.
The proposed amendment would change Article X to read as follows:
Election of Officers
Section 1. The election of officers of the International Polka Association shall be by secret ballot at the annual convention meeting each year according to established tradition and custom. Nomination of candidates for office shall be made from the floor. A nominee, to be eligible as a candidate for election, must be a general member of this association in good standing for a period of at least one year immediately prior to Election Day. All nominees seeking election to office in this association shall not occupy any appointed or elected office in any other polka association. No nomination shall be valid unless agreed to by the nominee, either orally or in writing at the time of his/her nomination.
Section 2. The term of office for the President of this association shall be for one year. Section 2B. To initiate the stagger system of elections the following officers and directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years commencing with the 2024 election: 1st Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, (6) Directors. All other officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years commencing with the 2025 election, namely, 2nd Vice President, Financial Secretary, (6) Directors.
Section 2C. Anyone seeking the office of the President or 1st Vice President of this association must have served at least two or more years on the executive board of this association but not less than two years.
Section 3. The officers who have been elected shall assume office on September 1st of the year elected. The candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. In the event of a tie vote for any office, there shall be another ballot taken which will be limited to voting for only those candidates involved in the tie vote.
Section 4. When only one candidate is nominated for office, a voice vote may be taken. Section 5. Every member has an equal vote to vote on every issue.
Note that the proposed changes would edit the following language:
Removed “in August”
Replace “1971” with “2024”
Delete “(3) Illinois (State of Incorporation), Directors (3) other”
Replace “1972” with “2025”
Delete “(3) Illinois (State of Incorporation), and Directors (3) other”