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Date(s) - 06/17/2022 - 06/19/2022
8:00 pm - 12:00 am
We are Bringin’ It Back – Birnamwood Polka Days! This 3 day Festival will provide Free Admission to three days of music! Friday & Saturday dance in the comfort of the air conditioned ballroom, and join us in the park behind the ballroom on Sunday for “Family Fun Day.” Music, food & refreshments, raffles, mini farm, parade & more. Camping is available at Schairer’s Autumn Acres, within a mile of the ballroom – shuttle service provided Friday & Saturday. We also have local hotels offering special room rates for the weekend. You won’t want to miss it! For more information call Tanya at 715-253-3277. For the latest information also check out our Facebook page
Bands Performing: Steve Burclaw's New Polish Sounds, Neal Zunker & The Music Connection, The New Generation, The Polish Connection Promoter: Tanya (Lettau) Tautges