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Date(s) - 11/29/2024 - 11/30/2024
1:00 pm - 12:15 am
Holiday Inn Cleveland South
E-I-E-I-O – Six-Oh! Celebrate at the Thanksgiving Polka Weekend on its diamond anniversary! Polka music’s grandest event offers you two days of priceless memories with the National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame at the Holiday Inn Cleveland South. Thrill to celebrity entertainers, including RFD-TV’s Mollie B, Canada’s Polka King Walter Ostanek, Nashville’s Joey Miskulin, and world button-accordion champion Denis Novato. Enjoy the finest polka and waltz music in a ballroom setting.
The 35th Polka Music Awards Show spectacular is the red carpet event of the milestone weekend with the big-band orchestra leading the salute to award-winning talents. The show features polka music’s finest performers on stage to honor the newest names entering the Polka Hall of Fame.
The spotlight bands are led by Linda Lee Brown (MI), Jeff Winard (WI), Mikey Dee (PA), Garrett Tatano (PA), Frank Moravcik (OH), Ed Klancnik (TN), Kathy Hlad (OH), Don Wojtila (OH), and Joey Tomsick (OH). You won’t want to miss the Button Box Jam Session, the Polka Mass, and the Slovenian genealogy workshop. Stop by the Polka Pop-Up Shop for unique polka and nationality gifts and recordings.
This year’s lifetime awards go to Frankenmuth’s polka sweetheart Linda Lee Brown; Milwaukee polka deejay Greg Drust; Cleveland drummer John Gerl; Pennsylvania polka radio host Joe Godina; and Cleveland accordionist and bandleader Frank Moravcik.
Three names are added to the Trustees Honor Roll: the late Cleveland drummer Wayne Habat; Cleveland polka promoter Rosemary Koss; and Milwaukee accordionist and bandleader Jeff Winard. The All-time Hits are “Squeezer’s Polka,” popularized by Joe Fedorchak, and “The Wind Song (Veter nosi pesem mojo),” by Slovenia’s Vilko and Slavko Avsenik.
The Thanksgiving Polka Weekend started in 1963 when radio personality Tony Petkovsek invited top bands for a holiday dance fest. America’s Polka King Frank Yankovic appeared, along with Frankie Kramer and Andre Blumauer. The weekend soon became a tradition, with the Polka Hall of Fame adding the gala Polka Music Awards Show. The weekend is supported in part through a grant from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture.
Save $10 with a Polka Weekend Pass, only $55. Friday admission $20; Saturday admission, $20; Polka Awards Show, $25. 18 and under free. Free parking. Order tickets from the Polka Hall of Fame, (216) 261-3263 or The Polka Hall of Fame is open Wednesday and Saturday, 9 to 2, at 605 East 222nd Street in Euclid, Ohio.
Reduced room rates are offered through the Holiday Inn, (216) 524-8050. Book your flight and car rental with Kollander Travel, (216) 692-1000. The Holiday Inn Cleveland South, 6001 Rockside Road in Independence, Ohio, near I-77 and I-480, 15 minutes from the airport and downtown.
Bands Performing: Walter Ostanek (ONT), Joey Miskulin (OH), Mollie B (OH), Denis Novato (IT), Linda Lee Brown (MI), Jeff Winard (WI), Mikey Dee (PA), Garrett Tatano (PA), Frank Moravcik (OH), Ed Klancnik (TN), Kathy Hlad (OH), Don Wojtila (OH), and Joey Tomsick Promoter: National Cleveland-Style Polka Hall of Fame and Museum