1973 Polka Music Awards

 Favorite Male Vocalist: Eddie Blazonczyk Favorite Female Vocalist: The Golden Stars  Wanda & Stephanie (Pietrzak) Favorite Instrumental Group: Jimmy Sturr Orchestra Favorite Album: “Polka Hits” Eddie Blazonczyk, Bel Aire Records Favorite Song: “Lover Oh Lover” Dick Pillar, Steljo Records

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1972 Polka Music Awards

 Favorite Male Vocalist: Gene Wisnewski Favorite Female Vocalist: Regina Kujawa Favorite Instrumental Group: Jimmy Sturr Orchestra Favorite Album: Polka Goodies Skaja Sisters, Chicago Records Favorite Song: “Stella at the Wheel” Pala Brothers, Chicago Records

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1971 Polka Music Awards

Favorite Male Vocalist: Gene Wisnewski Favorite Female Vocalist: The Skaja sisters Irene & Barbra Favorite Instrumental Group: The New Brass Favorite Album: “Let The Sunshine In” Golden Brass, Steljo records Favorite Song: “Let The Sunshine In” Golden Brass, Steljo records

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1970 Polka Music Awards

Favorite Male Vocalist: Marion Lush Favorite Female Vocalist: Regina Kujawa Favorite Instrumental Group: Ray Henry Favorite Album: “Love & Peace” Happy Louie, Halo Records Favorite Song: Love & Peace” Happy Louie, Halo Records

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1969 Polka Music Awards

Favorite Male Vocalist: Marion Lush Favorite Female Vocalist: Teresa Zapolska Favorite Instrumental Group: Versatones Favorite Album: “America’s Most Wanted Polka Band” Eddie Blazonczyk’s Versatones, Bel Aire Records Favorite Song: “Angeline be Mine”  Eddie Blazonczyk’s Versatones, Bel Aire Records

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1968 Polka Music Awards

Favorite Male Vocalist: Marion Lush Favorite Female Vocalist: Teresa Zapolska Favorite Instrumental Group: Ampol Aires Favorite Album: “Red Hot Polkas” Happy Louie, MGM Records Favorite Song: “ Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain” Marion Lush, Dyno Records

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