The musical story of Verne Meisner began in 1949 when Verne, at the age of eleven, received his first accordion and twelve lessons. Verne attended dances and listened to the music of Frank Yankovic and the Six Fat Dutchmen on his wind up phonograph. In a few months Verne was playing songs by ear with amazing accuracy. In 1950 the first band was formed playing for relatives, neighbors, school functions and weddings. 1957 was…
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As a teenager Lucian Kryger had recorded several 78 RPM recordings with his father’s orchestra (Brunon Kryger) on the Harmonia Label of N.Y. In 1951 Lucian, Jerry and brother Bruce recorded two 78 rpm recordings for Polo Records. One of the hit sides was entitled, “Little Boy Oberek.” Lucian started recording for RAVE Records of Bethlehem, Pa., in 1962 and later recorded for Starr Records of Florida, N.Y. The personal appearances of…
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Joseph F. Czerniak of Duluth, Minnesota, was elected to the polka Music Hall of Fame in the Pioneer category. Joe was inducted along with other inductees, on Saturday, August 5, during the annual International Polka Association Convention and Festival, at the Ramada O’Hare Hotel, in Chicago. Joe Czerniak has been long acknowledged as a Pioneer in many aspects of the polka industry. Joe, 65 years young at the time of his induction,…
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Kenny Bass (Peter Bastasic, Jr.) was considered one of the all time polka greats that made Cleveland the great polka center that it is. Since 1948 he had hosted radio programs on local area stations including former WSRS, WJMO, WBKC, WELW, WLYT and currently on the Chardon station. His parents the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bastaci raised Kenny, one of seven children (he had six sisters), instilling in him a liking for…
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