IPA Hall of Fame Nomination Process

Each year, the International Polka Association recognizes select polka professionals, living and deceased, with induction into the IPA Polka Hall of Fame. An academy of 195 electors from across the country determines those who will be inducted by casting their votes on ballots that are tabulated by an independent judge. Those who desire to nominate themselves or other candidates for IPA Polka Hall of Fame induction consideration must provide a biography of the nominee, not to exceed two single-spaced pages. The narrative must address these three key areas:

1.) Experience

Eligible nominees must have 25 years or more of dedicated professional experience in the polka industry. Document this experience with specific dates citing service with bands, media shows, organizations, festivals, etc. as appropriate.

2.) Awards, Accomplishments, Achievements

Eligible nominees must have received recognition in the polka music industry regionally or nationally. Document significant accomplishments, national awards, major media projects (recordings, TV, radio, Internet, motion pictures, videos, etc.), high-profile events, and any other successful polka-related endeavors.

3.) Contributions toward Preserving and Advancing the Polka Music Industry

In keeping with the mission of the IPA, eligible nominees must have contributed to the preservation and advancement of the polka music industry. Document any polka organization support, official service on polka music boards/committees, polka promotional efforts, cultural or charitable activities, or any other altruistic work that resulted in the enhancement of polka music’s image, the broadening of its audience, or its greater good.

Below the biographical narrative, list two references who can personally substantiate the nominee’s claims and include their current contact information (email address, phone number). Finally, list the name and contact information of the person submitting the biography.

Mail the biography to: IPA Polka Music Hall of Fame Nomination, P.O. Box 91, Dover, DE 19903 so that it’s postmarked by December 31st of a given year. Electronic biographies may be emailed to: halloffame@ipapolkas.com. If it is determined that the nominee meets the criteria, he/she will be included on the ballot in the next cycle of voting by the academy of electors. Any questions concerning this process should be directed to halloffame@ipapolkas.com or (443) 956-3087.


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